Research Fellowship PhD Scholarships by Scientific And Technological Research Council Of Turkey

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey is one of the leading organizations for funding, management, and research available in Turkey. The organization was founded in 1963 with the goal to advance technology and science as well as support and conduct research in Turkey. The council is governed by academic scholars from many notable universities and higher education institutes from all around Turkey.

PhD Scholarships

The organization awards a number of PhD scholarships or fellowships to high academic ranking international PhD candidates and post-doctoral research candidates who are wishing to continue their research studies in Turkey. The PhD scholarships are intended to be put towards degrees in:

  • Engineering and Technological Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Medical Sciences.

The objective of the PhD scholarships is to help encourage technological and scientific advances in Turkey. The agency hopes to entice applicants who have the potential to contribute to Turkey’s international technological and scientific growth.


These PhD scholarships cover a monthly stipend payment of 2,250 Turkish Liras. In certain instances the scholarships will also cover additional grants to help cover the relocation costs as well as health insurance for international students. Additional research grants of up to 5,000 Turkish Liras can be paid for research expenses at the discretion of the research council.


The maximum tenure for these scholarships is up to 12 months.

Eligibility: The applicants must be international applicants. Applicants that hold a dual citizenship between their country and Turkey are not suitable to apply unless they forfeit their Turkish citizenship. The applicants need to have been accepted into a research institute or research university operating in Turkey. The applicants must have an excellent understanding and command of the Turkish language in order to effectively perform their research duties. These scholarships are only open to applicants that are 35 years or younger. The applicants who already hold a PhD degree should have a minimum GPA of 3.50 in order to be eligible for these scholarships. Applicants must present a clear and well thought out research proposal. Applicants must present all prior academic transcripts as well at least two letters of recommendations for academic scholars.

How to Apply

The applicant must be enrolled in a Turkish university or higher education institute that accepts funding from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey.

The selection criteria is founded on a competitive educational basis. Inclinations will be awarded to applicants that can validate their potential to make research contributions. Each candidate is required to prepare a research proposal to present. Their research proposal will be taken into deliberation and evaluated by the 4 following evaluation requirements:

  • The applicant must present a proposal that establishes their personal research potential.
  • The applicant must present a proposal that shows how they personally will make an impression in their career development and training.
  • The applicant must present a proposal that will demonstrate how they personally are going to apply their research to the ongoing research programs.


The upcoming deadline for these PhD scholarships is the 11th of Nov.

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